Monday, November 21, 2005

Relative Reality (fancy heading huh? I dont like giving titles to posts)

We live in a society where nothing is absolute. Those who dont agree with this fact are at a risk of being called either orthodox or hyper modern. Sense and Sensitivity seem to be retro concepts.
Modern science might be a boon and a reality but literature, language and art erode, manipulate and propagate the manipulations of the absolute established by science.
Science however does not entirely provide the fuel to propel civilization. Standard definitions have ambiguity.
Language limits our creativity and understanding. Society limits our interpretations. Bad/Good?
Compatibility, unfortunately for most means acceptance. Even if it is at the cost or rejecting your opinion which you respected ; majority of the opinion might be wrong but why do we forget partially it was correct too....we wouldnt have stood by it otherwise.

Too many interpretations intersecting with each other is only a part of the problem. The root of the issue is defining boundaries. We are going fast into a time frame which has no boundaries.
That is scary. Boundaries define.Boundaries set the absolute. Boundaries help us differentiate.
Boundaries help us recognize where to stop and where to go further and set new ones.
Without boundaries.....good is bad...sweet is salty. Language is devoid of any science.Science is devoid of sense. Sense is devoid of meaning.It is going to be a mess.

So then , where do we stop? Who decides where and when? Too many answers and justifications to these questions.

Let absolute be.


Narsimha said...

dude, the exams r really effecting u or me, cuz wen i was reading words like boundaries, differentiate, all i can think of is FEA..

Casablanca said...

Okk... that really confused me.

M said...

And i agree with Casa.... :S

Sujith said...

derrida has influenced someone.nice interpretation of the passage though dude.

karuna said...

Goodluck for the exams.

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