Saturday, October 21, 2006

Almost a month of " i have to go to office" now. It is interesting to watch people and how they work. The choice of music is often closely related to their way of working. As I went from the top level to the bottom level of the organisational pyramid, I found music being used as an effective tool to support working. At the bottom , where the work is repetitive, so are the songs.
Secure the workpiece-assemble-hammer-test-secure-assemble-hammer-test. To go along with this is a song in which particular lyrics, tunes and rythms are attached to every component that goes in the assembly.Suddenly you find the robot in the gray apron stopping for a while and opening the things he has assembled. You ask him why is doing it and he will tell you he missed two lines of the song.
"Oh, (Sheepish smile), those are for the dowel pins, forgot to put them in...hehe."
Talk about relating oneself to music! Also, the nuances in their notes and pitches are indicative of the orientation of the parts in their assembly.His audience are his pumps that he makes and he moves them into their 'pram' which will be moved in for painting.New pump, different song.

While in the office above, I unintentionally made a woman blush.
"I have done integrated diploma, i am also relatively new here, just been 4 months."
"So, you too passed out this year only?"
"Gnaaauuwww, //blush blush// its been 10 years!"
Buhh.Stop it woman! I just linked up events in an incorrect way!

As I scroll down the organistaional pyramid, I see their level of imagination being inveresely proportional to their education. I guess that's one bad thing education does, greater the knowledge, more limited is the imagination. When one does'nt know the science behind things, he is free to imagine how things work or might work and makes you creative about it.

The same would apply to the 3 -7 year old kids who play in the compound. They play 'Ganpati Ganpati'. They go around on their cycles shouting Ganpati Bappa Morya, have a small indegenously made puja and they dance too! I bet they would'nt have done all this if they were imparted gyaan on life at this age. Sometimes, it is just good to not know everything. (And I am not supporting the ignorance is bliss theory, go eat your toe if you thought I was!)

Anyway, after broken promises and being thrown a potato at, I have decided to do the tag. People who comment are requested to do it.

I am thinking about :
how much more time?

I said :
Good for you man.

I want to :
go to this place whose name I forgot, it’s a 17km trek upwards from Gangotri.

I wish :
I was granted another 32874 wishes. Ofcourse, the 32874th wish would be to be granted another 658925 wishes.

I miss :
my third last bench.

I hear:

I wonder :
What would have happened to the world if the wheel was not invented.

I regret :
Not attending the short service commison interview.

I am... :
actually a sofa who doesn’t move around who tries to convince himself he is human.

I dance:
like a walking product of radioactive waste arising from the Pacific ocean who is destroying the city. Blame the Soviets.

I sing :
when I am hanging by the train’s door.

I cry :
- ied when the elephant in Haathi Mere Saathi dies in the end, also, when India lost to Australia in Mumbai in ’96.

I am not always:

I write :
When there is no one online and I could die of boredom.

I confuse:
-d the examiners during my vivas.

I need :
to castrate all he-mosquitoes.

I should try ....:
not blaming the Soviets.

I finish :
me spinach, pooo pooooo