Friday, November 02, 2007

Incoherent. Banda and me on our way back home. Easterlies. The road is quite nice, irrespective of rain, dust, wind, heat, whatever the weather is. It gets you thinking while you are driving. Nothing could be seen from the windshield. Both cribbing about our own issues. Champion cribbers, us. Sometimes talking at the same time together. Not even listening to what the other person is saying. And there were times we weren' speaking together; but when we started, we spoke our own thing without even acknowledging or asking or even responding to one another. We don't know whom we were speaking two, there were just two of us in the car.
But we were quite cool about it. Infact, I didn't even realise that such a thing had happened until two mins ago.

I pronounce things wrong too. And they loff at me. But i hear funnier ones. Spices for species was really funny. And Schindler's List was called Sikandar's list...super funny too.

Before going to office on the first day , my mother told me no matter what the profile of the person was, to address him/her as sir/madam. That's what I have been always taught, even in school. During open days at school, I sometimes also referred to my friends parents (excellent small talk makers, all of them) as Sirs and Madams. Just a habit.
So, the first day of work..."Sachin sir..."
"Arre, he he he...Sir nahin re..Call me Sachin"
Me: Okay Sir!

More on Sir
It is difficult to communicate with people who know only their mother tongue.
I ask them "Can I speak to Ramesh?"
He tells me "Ohhkay Sir"
Then there is a pause for some time
I say "Ramesh, good morning"
The same guy is still on the line "Ohhkay Sir"
I say "Tell Ramesh. Phone. Me."
He says "Ohhkay Sir"
I ask "Message. Dont Forget. Your name?"
He says "Ohhkay Sir"
I hang up.
He calls me back "Sirr..Ramesh, Lunch. Ohkay?"
Ohhkay Sir.

More on Phones
"Hello, good morning, <> "
Good morning. Can I speak to Mr. Jo Bhi please?
"Ok hold haan"
Ohhkay Ma'm.
I remember a friend of my advising me to say "What do you want me to hold on to baybei?",
in such situations.
Ting ting tingting ting TING TING TING TING ting..tingting ting ting ting tingtingting.

"Hello?you are still holding, no?"
Yes baby. Why not.

Ting ting tingting ting TING TING TING TING ting..tingting ting ting ting tingtingting.

"Jo Bhi has not come today"

Coffee for me and beer for the lady.
Some spectacle that was.

then..we continue to live, shit happens and then we die.